Is CBD legal in Rhode Island
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Last updated on 13 July 2021

The production and processing of industrial hemp was legalized for commercial purposes on January 1, 2017. In July 2019 Rhode Island authorized the sale of hemp-derived consumable CBD products containing 0.3% THC or less. It is prohibited to sell consumable CBD products to those under the age of 21. There are no CBD possession limits on hemp-derived CBD products in Rhode Island at this time.

Is Cannabis legal in Rhode Island?

CBD products derived from marijuana are legal, but currently only available to marijuana patients. Like in many states, but unlike Vermont in the area, marijuana is not legal for personal use.

How old do I need to be to consume?Possession limit for FlowerPossession limit for Concentrates
N/A Recreational  18+   MedicalN/A   Recreational  2.5oz MedicalN/A    Recreational             2.5oz  Medical

Qualifying conditions:

  • Cachexia, or wasting syndrome
  • Cancer or cancer treatment, including chemotherapy and radiation therapy
  • Glaucoma or glaucoma treatment
  • Hepatitis C or treatment for hepatitis C
  • Seizures, including but not limited to those characteristic of epilepsy
  • Severe, debilitating, or chronic pain
  • Severe nausea
  • Severe and persistent muscle spasms, including but not limited to those characteristic of:
    • Multiple sclerosis
    • Crohn’s disease
    • Agitation related to Alzheimer’s disease
    • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – patient must be 18 or older

Are there any penalties for using Cannabis in Rhode Island?

If you are caught possessing less than 1 ounce you must pay a fine of $150. If you are caught with more than 1 ounce you will have to go to prison for one year and pay a fine of $500. 


CBD is legal in Rhode Island. Medical use of marijuana is also legal, but only for patients with qualifying conditions. Recreational use however is still illegal.


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With close to two decades of successful stint in the Media industry, I felt I was surely missing a piece in my life puzzle. I took a break and set out to seek the purpose of my life. I travelled, lived out of a suitcase, let things flow into life without resisting, and after five challenging years, I found my rhythm. I love to write about Cannabis and Health and try my best to simplify esoteric concepts into simple ideas for life.

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