CBD Oil for Dogs: Can CBD oil help my dog?

CBD oil for dogs can be used as an alternative medication for dogs that suffer from ailments such as seizures, anxiety, stress, arthritis, back pain, gastrointestinal issues or cancer symptoms among other diseases. Dr.Adam Christman, an award-winning veterinarian and a board member of the New Jersey Veterinary Medical Association in an interview stated that CBD oil can he effective when relieving dogs’ anxiety, cause by fireworks, for example.

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A Review of the Anti-Inflammatory Properties of CBD

CBD oils account for 40 per cent of all extracts from the cannabis plants. However, it does not cause a psychotropic effect as it lacks the THC compound that gives users a ‘high’ feeling. A long list of medical studies and tirals have revealed its health benefits, including treating anxiety, inflammation, sleeping disorders, pain relief, […]

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CBD Oil for Celiac Disease: Benefits, Use and Dosage

This article highlights and discusses the benefits, uses, and dosage of CBD oil for celiac disease. CBD is extracted alongside THC from cannabis yet their effects on the human body are worlds apart. CBD is recognized around the world1 for its health benefits due to its anti-inflammatory properties2 and ability to alleviate pain3 As a […]

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CBD Oil for Hair Loss and Alopecia – Does it Work?

Hair loss can be incredibly frustrating. It can have devastating consequences for self-confidence and ultimately, mental health. Sufferers of hair loss or alopecia can often feel at a complete loss as they come to terms with the condition and the idea that there is no cure. The good news is, however, that there is something […]

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CBD for PTSD, Anxiety & Depression – May’s testimonial

My name is May and I’m 41 years old. I’ve been sick all my life due to severe PTSD and fought hard to keep my head above water. I suffered from severe depression, anxiety, confusion, body pain, etc. on and off my entire life. I’ve tried just about everything, from various methods of therapy, antidepressants, […]

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CBD for Skin Problems – Testimonials & Reviews

CBD For Skin Problems The anti-inflammatory properties of cannabidiol make CBD creams and pastes a promising option for people with skin problems. CBD for skin problems can therefore be very beneficial for skin diseases, such as eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, and acne. We want to inform people about the positive properties of CBD. Nothing speaks louder […]

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CBD for Lupus: How to Use CBD to Treat Lupus

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that causes the body’s immune system to attack its organs and tissues. The most obvious symptom of this disease is inflammation, often affecting the joints, kidneys, brain, blood cells, lungs, and heart. A facial rash also develops, which resembles the wings of a butterfly. Some people are born with lupus genes, which may be triggered by infections, sunlight, and other drugs. Could CBD help? Read more.

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CBD and Women’s Health – Testimonials & Reviews

CBD For PMS – Tanja’s CBD Testimonial Currently, I take 15% CBD hemp oil. Since the birth of my daughter 3 years ago, I have been suffering from extreme mood swings with anxiety and panic attacks for 1 week before the beginning of my period. After consultation with my gynaecologist, I was prescribed monk’s pepper […]

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CBD For Chronic Pain – Experiences of CBD Users

More and more people with different pain patterns try to alleviate their suffering with the natural hemp extract CBD – sometimes very successfully. This may be due to the anti-inflammatory, relaxing and neuroprotective properties of cannabidiol. CBD For Tennis Elbow – Antje’s CBD testimonial Like countless other people, I have suffered from tennis elbow (Lateral […]

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CBD For Rosacea: Possible Effects Of CBD On Rosacea

Cannabidiol (CBD) can be a viable option for treating rosacea, a chronic skin disease characterised by inflammation of the skin in the central areas of the face1 Rosacea showing up as red blotches, bumps and rashes, and causing various sociopsychological problems in sufferers. There are many traditional treatments available for this condition, but there is […]

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CBD for Inflammation – Testimonials & Reviews

The anti-inflammatory effect of cannabidiol has now been thoroughly investigated. This property makes CBD products particularly valuable for patients suffering from a disease associated with inflammation. CBD for Crohn’s disease – Sandra’s CBD Testimonial Seven years ago, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. After severe relapses, I had to take cortisone drugs and additionally I […]

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CBD for Neurological Disorders – CBD User Testimonials

The active substance cannabidiol is said to have neuroprotective properties. CBD is therefore often used for epilepsy, tremor and Alzheimer’s disease. It reduces damage to the brain and nervous system and promotes the formation of new neurons. CBD for vision impairment due to multiple sclerosis Sabine’s testimonials My last relapse with MS suddenly resulted in […]

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CBD for Porphyria: Facts, Benefits and Use

Porphyria can be tough to manage whether you’ve been recently diagnosed with the condition or have struggled with it for years. Though there are people who are able to manage porphyria and not let the disorder come between them and their daily life, there are others who have had their entire world turned upside down […]

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CBD for Tinnitus: Facts, Benefits, Use

Exposure to loud noise such as the cheering and music found in sporting events and in concerts can cause you to experience a ringing sound inside your ears. If you have ever had exposure to this kind of noise, then you know firsthand how annoying and distracting it can get. Imagine a scenario where the […]

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CBD for Relaxation – Testimonials & Reviews

CBD for Nightmares – Miriam’s CBD Testimonial In 2018 I heard about CBD for the first time, but at the time I lived in New Zealand, where pure CBD oil is illegal. I wanted to try it and when I was back in Germany in 2019, I ordered the 500mg CBD oil right away. Since the […]

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CBD For the Elderly – Testimonials & Reviews

CBD for Dementia Renate and Fritz’s CBD Review My husband Fritz (83) was diagnosed with dementia at the beginning of 2017. This was a horrific diagnosis for him, and also for us as a family. The problem: There is no medicine that stops dementia or even better – one that cures it. That was the next […]

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CBD for Mental Health – Testimonials & Reviews

Many of the properties associated with CBD have an impact on mental health. These include mental and physical relaxation, neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore cannabidiol is used in anxiety patients and people suffering from depression or PTSD. CBD for panic attacks – Nadine’s CBD testimonial I’ve been suffering from an anxiety disorder for almost four […]

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CBD for Essential Tremor

We have already talked about the healing properties of CBD when treating Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and substance withdrawal. But how are these conditions related to essential tremor and where does CBD come in? It turns out that essential tremor could either be passed genetically from afflicted family members or could be a side-effect of […]

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Use of CBD to prevent diseases

CBD is a cannabinoid derived from the cannabis plant that has no psychotropic effect and does not cause the symptoms of dizziness or euphoria otherways associated with cannabis use. It has many therapeutic properties. In addition, it is characterized by its low toxicity and its reduced side effects. At best, it can cause a little […]

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