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Last updated on 25 May 2022

  • Epidiolex is the only CBD product that has been approved from FDA. US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (1). Other CBD-containing products has not been officially acknowledged by the FDA and does not have any dosing guidelines.
  • The ideal amount of CBD to meet a person’s needs is determined by the body’s chemistry, weight and the current health status.
  • Patients should seek advice from a physician or a person who is familiar with cannabis, in order to determine the appropriate dosage of cannabidiol. If there is no recommendation the best option is to begin with a small dose and examine the effects of CBD.
  • Monitoring CBD usage and dosage could aid in assessing the efficacy of the CBD products they currently use.
  • Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabis plant compound believed to have several therapeutic properties(2).

At present in the present, currently, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has only approved one product containing cannabidiol, Epidiolex (3). The oral solution is utilized to treat seizurescaused by Dravet syndrome (DS) or Lennox-Gastaut disorder (LGS) two distinct forms of epilepsy.

The dosage that is recommended to use Epidiolex can be found according to (4):

  1. The ideal starting point is the orally administered dose of 2.5mg/kg every day twice or 5 mg/kg per day.
  2. After about a week, patients may increase their dosage to 5 mg/kg, twice per day, or 10 mg/kg per day.

FDA regulations don’t cover any other products that contain cannabidiol. Therefore, they don’t have any official guidelines on CBD dosage.

Identifying the Right Amount of CBD

The body’s weight and chemistry and the current health condition must be taken into consideration when deciding how much CBD one should consume. There isn’t a universally-fit-all formula particularly for novice CBD users.

The first time users should seek advice from a physician regarding the right dose of CBD. A doctor can provide medical advice regarding any possible dangers and interactions with other medications.

It is also recommended to begin with smaller doses and gradually increase up to greater doses till the desired effects are reached.

A low dose could be as little as 20-40 milligrams of CBD daily to get started. After about a week, people can test larger doses in case they don’t experience negative reactions.

For instance, a person might be advised to take 40 mg of CBD to provide the relief of pain. After a week, patients may decide to increase the dosage to 45mg, and then 50mg in the following week, and so on until pain is manageable.

It is suggested to track the usage of CBD and how your body reacts to the dose. CBD users can record their observations in a notebook or use a mobile application.

Calculating the Right Dose of CBD

A lot of brands have labeling on CBD capsules and CBD gummies to allow consumers to determine how much of the substance they take in a single serving. For instance, the label on the label of a CBD capsule bottle could be indicating 5 mg of CBD per tablet.

If you are using CBD oil it is usually supplied with droppers. The package might specify the amount of cannabidiol that can be extracted from one drop. Based on the recommended amount drop per portion, a person will be able to estimate the amount of drops they will require.

Sometimes it is the case that the CBD amount in the product is difficult to determine. The packaging of the product states the amount of CBD contained in the entire bottle , not the amount contained in a single serving.

Imagine a person who wants to consume a serving of 40 mg of CBD from a 10ml bottle of CBD oil that is labeled as having 1,000 mg of cannabidiol.

Because one drop is around 0.05 milliliters (ml) The 10ml bottle has the equivalent of 200 drops CBD. This can be accomplished by dividing the size of the bottle (10ml) by the CBD amount for each drop (0.05ml).

To determine the amount of CBD is contained in each drop to estimate the amount of CBD in each drop, divide all the amount CBD (1,000mg) in the number of drops (200). Each drop will have around 5mg of CBD.

To obtain 40mg of the CBD oil dose One should take at minimum eight drops of the product inside their dropper.

Reputable CBD companies are able to provide laboratory results of their cannabis products to the public for review. Reviewing these reports is among the most effective ways to determine the amount of CBD is contained in each product.

Research Concerning CBD Dosage

In a study of researchers from the World Health Organization (WHO) examined CBD dosages for oral use that ranged between 100mg and 800mg per day (5). They found that these doses of CBD didn’t cause negative effects.

In a research study, one patient suffering from schizophrenia consumed 1,200mg CBD daily for a couple of weeks and noticed an improvement of the signs (6).

The study also stated that CBD dosages ranging from 40mg to 1,280 mg daily helped improve the health of another patient.

A study of arthritis patients receiving 15 mg of CBD daily from Sativex, a spray which contains equal amounts of CBD and THC The treatment eased morning pain the move and at relaxation (7). The results were superior to the results obtained with the placebo.

The table below provides the list of CBD dosages discovered to be effective in delivering those desired results for different medical ailments.


CBD Dose

Delivery Method

Anxiety Disorder
300mg to 600mg (8) Oral
Bowel Disease 5mg twice per day(9) Sublingual

Type 2 Diabetes
100mg twice per day(10) Oral
Cancer Pain 50mg to 600mg per day (11) Oral

Parkinson’s Disease
75mg to 300mg per day (12) Oral
Huntington’s Disease The maximum is 12 sprays per day (13 ) Nasal Spray

Is CBD Overdose Possible?

In a study from 2011 about CBD’s safety and adverse effects, the researchers found that those who consumed 1,500 mg of CBD daily were able to tolerate the compound (14).

A 2017 study confirms this, adding that there was no study that reported CBD tolerance, regardless of how much CBD oil they consumed (15).

While there isn’t any evidence that there is a CBD overdose, a study from 2019 revealed that humans experienced adverse negative effects from CBD. A few of these negative reactions are tiredness, diarrhoea and somnolence (drowsiness), as well as nausea (16).

There are a number of possible negative drug reactions that may be experienced by people who are taking CBD (17). Researchers believe that these interactions could be caused by the way that CBD interacts with cannabinoid receptors as well as enzymes within the system of endocannabinoid (ECS).

The ECS is believed to regulate a variety of bodily functions, while also playing an important role in protecting against medical ailments. In a research study, researchers believe that medications that affect ECS and its receptors ECS as well as its receptors could aid in the treatment of diseases that involve inflammation, pain swelling as well as the condition known as multiple sclerosis (18).

In a clinical trial in 2019 in 2019, 57 healthy participants were split into four groups that received CBD dosages of 150 mg 300mg of CBD 600 mg of CBD, and the placebo (19).

The results of the study showed that those that received 300mg of CBD saw a significant decrease in anxiety when they took a exam for public speaking.

According to the research team the findings of the study are in line with the results of animal studies that have revealed bell-shaped dose-response curves that measure CBD’s effectiveness (20).

CBD Oil Dosage vs. CBD Capsule Dosage

Different kinds different types of CBD products are offered by companies today. In conducting research, first-time users must consider the most suitable CBD that is suitable for their needs and lifestyle.

While there are CBD vape pen, lotions (topicals) as well as CBD edibles The two most well-known products are capsules and oils.

CBD Dosage in CBD Oil

The most popular cannabidiol product available can be described as CBD oil. With just a single dropper, consumers can obtain full-spectrum CBD or broad-spectrum CBD, or CBD isolate, based on their preferences.

Full-spectrum is a complete collection of CBD compounds. Broad-spectrum contains all the components, excluding THC while isolates contain pure cannabidiol. The best kind of CBD oil is determined by the requirements of each individual.

CBD oil is produced by the cannabis plant, usually hemp are harvested and then sent to labs to extract. These plants contain many cannabinoids, with CBD and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) being two of its major components(21).

One of the major advantages that comes with CBD oil-based tinctures of oils is that they can be more quickly absorbed in the human body. Consuming CBD sublingually, that is, under your tongue guarantees quick delivery of the substance (22).

Another benefit of using CBD oil is the fact that they often include droppers. Droppers allow people to accurately determine how much CBD they should consume for every serving size.

The majority of CBD products are accompanied by suggested dosages. CBD users can adhere to the dosage guidelines or start with lower doses.

In the event that the results of the effects of a CBD tincture are not enough, consumers can decrease the dosage without having to purchase a new one.

It is advised to consult with a doctor prior to using CBD particularly for new CBD users. A medical professional can give CBD users with additional information regarding safe and effective dosage.

CBD Dosage in CBD Capsules

CBD capsules contain cannabidiol in a container that is designed to make it easy and simple to consume. But, the manufacturing process differs from CBD oils.

CBD capsules are available in softgel pills that contain any type of CBD. Broad-spectrum and full-spectrum CBD capsules are like CBD oils, with the exception that the extracts are contained inside softgel capsules.

For isolates, CBD capsules contain a white powder that can be considered pure CBD.

One of the main advantages of taking CBD capsules lies in their convenience and their discretion. The use of a CBD pill taken while travelling can be a great method to consume cannabidiol.

CBD capsules provide exact and constant CBD dosage for users.

However CBD capsules CBD capsule must pass via the digestive system, which results in a lower bioavailability than CBD drops of oil. Bioavailability refers to the amount and percentage of a substance that is accessible to its biological target (23).

Tips to Determine Safe CBD Dosage

Below is a list of points to keep in mind when making calculations for CBD dosage:

  • The user should take into consideration their body weight, the health condition they wish to treat, and the CBD strength and concentration of the product they’re taking.
  • It is recommended to begin with small amounts of CBD and gradually increase to higher doses until desired effects are obtained.
  • It is suggested to keep track of the amount of CBD users have consumed. The monitoring of CBD intake can help in making adjustments to your CBD dosage.
  • Tinctures come with a measurement dropper to ensure a precise dosage.
  • The most important thing is that CBD users should consult their physicians about the safe dosage and the potential dangers of making use of CBD.

Methods of Extracting CBD

When discussing how CBD is produced it is referring to the particular extraction technique used to make the product. Utilizing steam distillation, carbon dioxide and natural solvents, such as hydrocarbons are the most popular method of extracting CBD oil.

The extraction of carbon dioxide, commonly referred to as supercritical CO2 is a method for getting rid of CBD oil from the cannabis plant material. Supercritical is the CO2 that has both the characteristics of a gaseous as well as a liquid state. This is the reason it is often referred to as Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE).

While it requires expensive and sophisticated equipment the process, many brands choose CO2 extraction to create high-quality CBD products. A study has found that this extraction process yields cannabidiol levels up to 92 percent effectiveness (24).

Steam distillation is the process where the steam vapor produced results in the cannabidiol oil extracted from hemp plants to split. The hemp extract is stored in a flask that has an outlet and inlet.

When water is heated, its steam moves towards the flask, releasing the hemp oil and vapors. The vapors are collected in a tube, converting the product into oil and water. The mixture is then distillated to remove any oil that is in the.

While the method of steam distillation has been tried and tested over the years but it’s not as well-known as CO2 extraction because of its inefficiency. Steam distillation is a great method for extracting more hemp material from the plant is required and extracting precise amounts of CBD is a challenge.

Solvent extraction is like steam distillation, however, it utilizes hydrocarbons or solvents to remove CBD oil. CBD oil and cannabis. The result is an amalgamation of CBD which contains the solvent. When the solvent is evaporated and leaves behind only the pure CBD oil.

In comparison to steam distillation solvent extraction is cheaper and is more efficient in general. But, solvents used in extraction of hydrocarbons, like naphtha, butane, and petroleum, may cause concerns. The residues of these solvents could cause harm, increasing the chance for cancer for those who are exposed.

The drawback of solvent extraction using natural methods is that chlorophyll from plants could be added during extraction which results in CBD oil with an unpleasant flavor.

A flavor that isn’t expected might not be a problem in capsules or topicals. But, CBD products such as vaping oils and gummies can be affected by it.

Another issue with organic solvents is the fact that they don’t disappear immediately. This means that the CBD extracted has a less cannabidiol than other methods.

When purchasing CBD It is essential to determine which extraction method was employed in the creation of the product. This is an important measure of the value and quality of the product offered by a company.

CBD products produced using CO2 extraction could be more expensive, however they are more expensive than products made using other methods.

The ones that use other forms of extraction could be less expensive however they could be risky when consumed. In contrast, the steam distillation and natural solvent methods often produce an inconsistent CBD quantities.


How Is Hemp CBD Different From Marijuana CBD?

There are two kinds of cannabis that can produce cannabidiol. marijuana and hemp.

CBD extracted from hemp comes by the hemp industrial plant, which is a variety of cannabis that is primarily used to produce fiber as well as seeds. Hemp plants are apprehensive about their leaves and are small when compared to marijuana plants.

Hemp also contains various levels of THC in comparison to marijuana. THC can be regarded as a psychoactive substance (25)that can produce a high of euphoria when consumed. According to US law hemp plants cannot contain more than 0.3 percent THC in order in order to be considered legally legal (26).

In contrast, marijuana CBD is derived from marijuana plants that are known for their lush leaves and blooms. Marijuana is usually grown to enhance the effects of alcohol.

According to the federal law, marijuana is cannabis plants with more than 0.3 percent THC. While THC is the most prevalent compound in marijuana, a few varieties have significant CBD levels.

Deciding whether to purchase CBD whether from marijuana or hemp is contingent on the purpose for which it is intended. The human body doesn’t distinguish between where the substance comes from. In the case of CBD oil it is possible to find other cannabinoids worth considering, such as phytochemicals and Terpenes.

According to research, every cannabis component contributes to the capacity of each other when they are combined (27). The effects of each component can be amplified when consumed in combination.

The term used to describe this phenomenon is”entourage effect. “entourage effect.” The presence of CBD THC, terpenes and various cannabinoids affect how a person responds to marijuana.

Anyone who wants to reap the benefits to their health from THC can opt for CBD derived from marijuana oil. But, they must buy and utilize CBD oil in a state that allows medicinal marijuana is legal.

If you are looking for a legal product that is federally-approved and high in CBD hemp, hemp-derived CBD oil could be the best option.


It is Epidiolex is the sole cannabidiol product that has been approved from the FDA (fda.gov) that has official suggested dosage guidelines. Other products that contain cannabidiol isn’t covered under FDA regulations and doesn’t provide guidelines for the dosage of CBD.

But, many people have determined the appropriate dosage of CBD taking into account the body’s chemistry, the concentration of CBD, as well as current health conditions.

Individuals should seek advice from an expert to determine the right CBD dosage to meet their requirements. A medical advice from a healthcare professional can help individuals stay clear of potential adverse drug interactions and risk from inappropriate CBD usage.

In comparison with CBD oils, the capsules require to pass through the digestive tract, resulting in a lower bioavailability. Additionally there are many variations of CBD products. CBD products are created equal and may have different doses.

Before purchasing CBD products, it’s recommended to verify the laboratory test results of a third party lab. These reports will provide detailed review of the product’s chemical composition including the potency of cannabidiol and the presence of additional substances. The reports will also reveal whether there are any contaminants identified.

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Integrative medicine specialist | View posts

Nicole Davis is a integrative medicine specialist who focuses on sleep and fatigue. She has extensively explored the therapeutic properties of cannabis, and provides specialized treatment plans according to personal symptoms. Dr. Davis is passionate about helping people feel their best, and believes that everyone deserves access to quality healthcare.

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