cbd for the elderly
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Last updated on 6 August 2021

CBD for Dementia

Renate and Fritz’s CBD Review

My husband Fritz (83) was diagnosed with dementia at the beginning of 2017. This was a horrific diagnosis for him, and also for us as a family.

The problem: There is no medicine that stops dementia or even better – one that cures it. That was the next “punch in the stomach”. Desperation was spreading. Dementia is a disease that cannot be compared to any other and is simply terrible because you stand next to it as a spectator without really being able to help the person suffering.

Then the glimmer of hope: in May 2017 the University Hospital Bonn (Germany) published the study ‘Cannabis reverses aging processes in the brain‘. When my children and I heard about the study, we were immediately excited. The study shows that the brain of an old mouse regenerates after only 4 weeks if cannabis is administered to the mouse. I then asked my son-in-law to find out which cannabis products could be legally bought and my son-in-law discovered the CBD paste 50% at Nordic Oil.

At first, I was skeptical whether CBD could really help my husband. I’m happy to admit that. But when we started in 2018 to treat him with CBD oil from Nordic Oil and after a few months with CBD paste 50%, the “miracle” began, if you want to call it that. I give my husband 0.2 mg of CBD 50% paste in the morning, at noon and in the evening, which he licks from a heated spoon. About 6 weeks after the first intake, my husband was able to concentrate better again, sleeps well again, eat well again, his state of health has completely improved.

This is a small miracle for us as a family. My husband’s family doctor prefers to prescribe him antidepressant tablets, where among other things ‘confusion’ is listed as a side effect. How ridiculous is this?!

The only problem I have with CBD Paste 50% is the fact that the product is expensive and I can’t find a doctor who prescribes CBD Paste 50%, despite it has been proven to help my husband. That means that I as an elderly person and with a small pension, have to pay this high-quality CBD product out of my own pocket. This equals a few hundred euros a month, which I could really use other ways.

But maybe my testimonial will help to get doctors and health insurance companies to rethink their approach so that dementia patients can get CBD on prescription in the future. That would not only be nice but also responsible.

Thanks to Nordic Oil and its high-quality CBD products, we as a family can at least slow down the course of my husband’s illness and give him the quality of life again. I am very grateful to Nordic Oil for this.


CBD Expert | View posts

With close to two decades of successful stint in the Media industry, I felt I was surely missing a piece in my life puzzle. I took a break and set out to seek the purpose of my life. I travelled, lived out of a suitcase, let things flow into life without resisting, and after five challenging years, I found my rhythm. I love to write about Cannabis and Health and try my best to simplify esoteric concepts into simple ideas for life.

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