CBD to prevent diseases
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Last updated on 9 August 2021

CBD is a cannabinoid derived from the cannabis plant that has no psychotropic effect and does not cause the symptoms of dizziness or euphoria otherways associated with cannabis use. It has many therapeutic properties. In addition, it is characterized by its low toxicity and its reduced side effects. At best, it can cause a little drowsiness.

There are numerous scientific studies that have shown that cannabidiol has many health benefits. A WHO report1 points out among its most relevant properties the following:

  • Soothing effect
  • Antibacterial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • It is a powerful antioxidant
  • Anxiolytic
  • Antiepileptic and anticonvulsant
  • Antidepressant
  • Antipsychotic
  • Neuroprotector

Preventive medicine uses cannabidiol to prevent and treat multiple diseases and pathologies, among which these stand out:

CBD and cardiovascular functions

The heart, lungs and blood vessels are included within the cardiovascular system. The cardiovascular system is responsible for the transport of blood in the body, which depends on nutrients, hormones, and oxygen in the body. For this reason, diseases of the cardiovascular system are the most serious and those that generate more deaths worldwide. Cardiovascular diseases include hypertension, heart attack, rheumatic heart disease, stroke, and arterial disease.

A study in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology2 has shown that cannabidiol has benefits on the cardiovascular system. This is due to its direct actions on the isolated arteries since these actions cause acute vasorelaxation. In this way, for example, CBD acts as a protective agent against vascular damage caused by the presence of high glucose.

Related Article: CBD and the Cardiovascular system

CBD can help prevent stroke

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted. The greater the lack of blood supply, the more the brain is damaged, because it does not receive the oxygen or nutrients it needs. In the most serious cases, this can cause serious brain damage and even death.

Cannabidiol prevents stroke due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties. Following a cerebrovascular attack also helps the regeneration of affected tissues.

Related article: The antioxidant properties of CBD

CBD can help prevent myocarditis

Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle tissue. Myocarditis is triggered by viral, bacterial, fungal, or autoimmune diseases. In most cases, patients do not suffer immediate damage, but the inflammation can be so severe that long-term damage to the heart occurs.

Cannabidiol, due to its anti-inflammatory effects, considerably reduces autoimmune myocarditis. According to a study published in Molecular Medicine CBD treatment markedly reduces the effects of autoimmune myocarditis and improves myocardial dysfunction and heart failure mainly due to its anti-inflammatory and antifibrotic effects.3

CBD can help prevent ischemia and myocardial arrhythmias

Myocardial ischemia occurs when there is not enough blood supply to the heart. This can trigger cardiac arrhythmias of all kinds: bradycardia (low heartbeat), tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), and fibrillation (irregular heartbeat). The lack of oxygen and nutrients in the heart can also cause a heart attack.

Studies have shown that cannabidiol prevents the onset of cardiac arrhythmias and reduces the risk of a heart attack.4

CBD and stress

Although stress is not a disease, its impact on the human body can cause various pathologies. It is believed that, in the long term, stress is a trigger of cardiovascular disease, since it affects blood pressure. Cannabidiol has Anxiolytic effects that reduce stress, so it is very effective in preventing cardiovascular diseases related to stress.

CBD can reduce hypertension

Long-term hypertension causes cardiovascular diseases. The positive effects of cannabidiol on the cardiovascular system help to stimulate blood circulation and reduce the calcification of blood vessels and blood pressure by reducing hypertension and the risks associated with it.

Therefore, cannabidiol is used in preventive medicine for the prevention and treatment of various cardiovascular diseases. In addition, cannabidiol has anti-inflammatory, anti-stress and anxiolytic effects that prevent the onset of cardiovascular diseases, promote healing processes and help reduce possible damage in the case in which cardiovascular disease is suffered.

CBD can help prevent rheumatism and arthritis

Cannabinoids reduce pain in the muscles and joints in a similar way to medications, but with fewer side effects.

Cannabinoids play an essential role in the prevention of osteoporosis, protect against damage to the bone marrow, prevent against bone degradation, stimulate bone growth, and improve the healing process of fractured bones.

Related article: CBD for rheumatoid arthritis

CBD can help prevent neurodegenerative disorders

Cannabidiol is a very potent antioxidant with neuroprotective effects. Prevents oxidative damage Clinical studies indicate that cannabidiol is very effective in the treatment of neurological oxidative disorders, such as cerebral ischemia5. In addition, it also reduces neuronal inflammation. The use of cannabidiol reduces the symptoms of Alzheimer’s,6dementia and other neurodegenerative disorders. It has been proven that treatment with cannabidiol patients improve cognition and mental health in general.

Several clinical studies have proven the benefits of cannabidiol treatment in Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease,7 multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and cerebral ischemia.

Cannabinoids have antioxidant and neuroprotective effects, so they are very useful for the prevention and treatment of many diseases related to oxidation, such as ischemic, autoimmune and inflammatory diseases that occur during old age. Cannabinoids, in addition, also reduce neurological damage after ischemic attacks.

Bottom line

This list of diseases is not exhaustive since it is constantly updated according to the new pathologies that can be treated with cannabidiol, as new clinical studies and scientific advances advance. It is known that cannabidiol is currently being studied, for example, to combat obesity and degenerative disc disease. Every day new benefits and properties of CBD are discovered, so we will make sure to keep you updated.


  1. Expert Committee on Drug Dependence (2018). CANNABIDIOL (CBD). [online] World Health Organization. []
  2. Stanley, C., Hind, W. and O’Sullivan, S. (2013). Is the cardiovascular system a therapeutic target for cannabidiol?British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 75(2), pp.313-322. []
  3. Lee, W., Erdelyi, K., Matyas, C., Mukhopadhyay, P., Varga, Z., Liaudet, L., Haskó, G., Čiháková, D., Mechoulam, R. and Pacher, P. (2016). Cannabidiol Limits T Cell-Mediated Chronic Autoimmune Myocarditis: Implications to Autoimmune Disorders and Organ Transplantation. Molecular Medicine, 22(1), pp.136-146. []
  4. Walsh, S., Hepburn, C., Kane, K. and Wainwright, C. (2010). Acute administration of cannabidiol in vivo suppresses ischaemia-induced cardiac arrhythmias and reduces infarct size when given at reperfusion. British Journal of Pharmacology, 160(5), pp.1234-1242. []
  5. Iuvone, T., Esposito, G., De Filippis, D., Scuderi, C. and Steardo, L. (2009). Cannabidiol: A Promising Drug for Neurodegenerative Disorders?CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics, 15(1), pp.65-75. []
  6. Watt, G. and Karl, T. (2017). In vivo Evidence for Therapeutic Properties of Cannabidiol (CBD) for Alzheimer’s DiseaseFrontiers in Pharmacology, 8. []
  7. Kluger, B., Triolo, P., Jones, W. and Jankovic, J. (2015). The therapeutic potential of cannabinoids for movement disordersMovement Disorders, 30(3), pp.313-327. []


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With close to two decades of successful stint in the Media industry, I felt I was surely missing a piece in my life puzzle. I took a break and set out to seek the purpose of my life. I travelled, lived out of a suitcase, let things flow into life without resisting, and after five challenging years, I found my rhythm. I love to write about Cannabis and Health and try my best to simplify esoteric concepts into simple ideas for life.

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