Is CBD legal in Washington d.c.
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Last updated on 13 July 2021

Hemp-derived CBD is currently legal in Washington D.C. CBD derived from cannabis is also legal, but can only be purchased from D.C. regulated dispensaries with a medical marijuana card. In Washington D.C. the content of THC is not allowed to be over 0.3% by weight. There are no established or enforced possession limits. However, the Safe Cannabis Sales Act of 2019 has proposed a limit of 72 ounces of CBD product in liquid form per day, though this legislation has not passed yet. 

Is CBD legal in Washington d.c.

Is cannabis legal in Washington D.C.?

CBD derived from cannabis is also legal, but can only be purchased from D.C. regulated dispensaries with a medical marijuana card. In Washington D.C., Marijuana-based CBD products are restricted and are only allowed for patients that have the state’s medical marijuana program. Doctors in Washington, D.C. can prescribe medical marijuana to patients with eligible conditions. Cannabis is also legal for recreational use in Washington D.C. 

Are there any penalties for using CBD in Washington D.C.?

No, CBD is totally legal in Washington D.C.


CBD is legal, just as medical use and recreational use of cannabis.


CBD Expert | View posts

With close to two decades of successful stint in the Media industry, I felt I was surely missing a piece in my life puzzle. I took a break and set out to seek the purpose of my life. I travelled, lived out of a suitcase, let things flow into life without resisting, and after five challenging years, I found my rhythm. I love to write about Cannabis and Health and try my best to simplify esoteric concepts into simple ideas for life.

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