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Last updated on 20 May 2022

The citrus fruits of lemon and others were traditionally utilized as an antidote for the effects of cannabis on the body. The reason for this is probably due to a terpene known as limonene. It’s one of the most commonly found terpenes in the natural world. It is the main ingredient in various citrus oils (orange lime, lemon, grapefruit). Limonene can also be found in certain cannabis varieties with a lemony scent however, it’s not the only one. Terpinolene, a distinct terpene, can also give an aroma of citrus, but without the same effect like the limonene.

Limonene is considered to be a safe flavoring agent in food products and an effective medicine. It is absorbed quickly and is a potent medicinal ingredient that include relief from heartburn depression, anxiety, and heartburn It has also been proven to possess anti-cancer properties. It is possible that the anti-anxiety properties of limonene play a role in aiding in calming the unpleasant aspects associated with cannabis-related intoxication.

Does the juice and the rind neutralize any effects from cannabis?

The juice of citrus contains very little the chemical limonene, which is present in the oil contained in the rind of the citrus. This is the reason I suggest lemon zest, which is the external rind that is grated from the lemon, to those seeking a cannabis-based antidote.

What other methods can be used to treat marijuana overdose, or for intoxication?

In the event of an accidental overdose of cannabis, usually caused by consumption of potent edible cannabis Reassurance is the most important treatment – even extremely large doses do not cause brain damage, injuries to organs, and any other type of physical toxicity. However, they can trigger delirium and hallucinations that can be extremely uncomfortable. Be aware that the effects will fade in the course of 4 to 24 hours.

If you find yourself in this circumstance, the best approach is to find an environment that is peaceful and, if possible it is possible to make use of CBD as a part-time remedy to the THC negative effects. I suggest 50-100mg of CBD with extremely minimal levels THC every 2-4 hours or inhaling CBD-rich cannabis for two puffs each 10 minutes if required or helpful.

The calming effects of chamomile tea, CBD and a peaceful, calm atmosphere can be helpful to patients suffering from an overdose of cannabis. Keep hydrated and patiently keep it in check until the symptoms subside.

What can I do to prevent an overdose of cannabis or adverse side consequences?

Consumption is most likely way of cannabis that can result in an overdose. Be cautious when you consume cannabis-related products Start by taking a small amount and then wait between 2 and 3 hours before you take more.

People who are who are new to cannabis should steer clear of edibles and instead use cannabis in a more precisely dosed , less appealing type of medication like an oil or tincture.

Take CBD 20 minutes prior to when you intend to take THC. This will help reduce the psychoactivity, or “high” and prevent other negative effects such as fear or anxiety. CBD should be consumed in a ratio of 1:4 CBD:THC for instance. for 5 mg of THC you should take 20 mg of CBD 20 minutes prior to.


Integrative medicine specialist | View posts

Nicole Davis is a integrative medicine specialist who focuses on sleep and fatigue. She has extensively explored the therapeutic properties of cannabis, and provides specialized treatment plans according to personal symptoms. Dr. Davis is passionate about helping people feel their best, and believes that everyone deserves access to quality healthcare.

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